Time for Rights is a project for young people around the world to have their say about human rights. It is the first commission of 1215.today, an initiative led by the University of Lincoln (UK) and funded by Arts Council England to mark the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, which dates from 1215.
This app is to make one or more 6-second videos about the human right(s) you care most about. We would like as many people as possible to upload their videos at the same time, on 12 August (international Youth Day) at 12:15pm, as an act of solidarity with all the young people throughout the world whose human rights are at stake.
On 12 August at 12:15pm you can upload your video to your Instagram account (Instagram has to be installed separately). If you cant wait, however, your video will be uploaded to Time for Rights for safekeeping until 12 August, when we will publish it on Instagram at @timeforrights. In the meantime, you can publish an image from your video on your own Instagram account, to tell the world that you have taken part.